More revenue and lower credit card fees!
It is always worth it for any type of business with a physical business to add an ATM machine to their location. It is a good idea to get an ATM for your company with Colorado ATMs because we oversee the installing and servicing of the ATM machine, so there is no start up cost to the business owner. As well, the business owner can share in the revenue from the ATM transaction fees. The reality is really that simple – no start up costs and an added revenue stream for the business.
Every single time someone uses an ATM machine they are charged a transaction fee around $3. If that ATM machine is located in your business, the business owner gets to keep part of that transaction fee. Additionally, having the ATM machine keeps the customer at your business instead of leaving to get go cash elsewhere and potentially not coming back. So the ATM machine enables customers to stay longer and spend more money at your business.
There are many types of businesses where your employees would prefer cash payment instead of credit card. This makes for happier employees at a time when employee retention is very hard in the U.S.
The other consideration is when a customer uses a credit card instead of cash, your company pays the credit card company a fee in the range of 2.5% to 3%. This fee actually lowers your company sales. So when you offer an ATM and more of your business is done in cash, you get a portion of the transaction fee and you pay less fees to your credit card company.
Which of our customers really benefit from ATM machines?
- Bars
- Restaurants
- Retail
- Coffee Shops
- Hair Salons
- Nail Salons
- Barber Shops
- Liquor Stores
- American Legion
- Hotels
- Apartment Buildings
Contact us today at or 303 818 7407 to learn more.
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